Learn More About Asbestos Trust Funds
We’ve spent a decade helping mesothelioma patients and their families access financial assistance through the trust funds. Let us help you too.
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Need to Know Facts About Trust Funds
Billions are Available
Over $30 billion is available for patients and families.
Multiple Payouts
Victims of asbestos exposure may be eligible to file claims against several trust funds.
Thousands Have Received Support
Patients and families access financial assistance for treatments, lost wages, and out of pocket expenses.
We Support

Survivors Speak Out on Receiving Compensation

Jodi Page
Type of Mesothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma
Age at time of diagnosis
Year diagnosed
Average prognosis for her diagnosis
19 months
"I have never regretted hiring those lawyers and having them look into my background. It was a relief to know of the possibility of exposure and share that with my family. No amount of money will ever make up for the suffering we and our family will go through. The government and companies knew the dangers to asbestos exposure and many chose to use the product anyway. You do deserve some compensation for being exposed to asbestos and going through the pain associated with it."
"You should do research on what lawyer to hire and to be not afraid to speak with several lawyers to ensure the best fit for you. The idea of filing a lawsuit can make you uneasy, but there’s nothing to feel bad about."
"We’re victims of a crime."
- Extrapleural pneumonectomy
- Radiation