“Why does the VA want me to go get a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam?”

As a VA-accredited claims agent and Veterans Service Representative, I get this question a lot from veterans with asbestos diseases like mesothelioma and lung cancer.  The short answer to this question is simple: because that is the norm.

However, that doesn’t mean it’s necessary.


What Is a Compensation & Pension Exam?

First, let’s explain what a Compensation and Pension Exam actually is and how it relates to mesothelioma VA claims. A Compensation and Pension exam is a medical examination of a veteran’s disability condition. It’s performed by a VA healthcare provider, or a VA contracted provider. The C&P exam could be done at the nearest VA hospital or one of the medical organizations contracted by the VA to conduct C&P Exams.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs uses C&P exams to gather evidence for a veteran’s claimed condition before issuing a decision and assigning a rating regarding their VA claim for a service-connected disability, which includes asbestos cancers like lung cancer and mesothelioma.

This exam is essentially the VA’s way of getting a medical expert’s opinion on the disability or condition before making a ruling. It’s their version of conducting a medical fact-check.


Where C&P Exams Fit Into the VA Claims Process

With most VA Disability Compensation (VADC) claims, the VA Regional Office handling your claim needs a doctor to provide an opinion as to whether your claimed condition is most likely service-related, and if so, what disability rating you should be assigned.

This is where a Compensation & Pension Exam can help – and confirm the veteran’s belief that their condition is due to their service in the military.

As an example, let’s say a veteran blows out his knee in bootcamp. He ends up getting surgery, goes to rehab, and is finally able to finish out bootcamp. When he leaves the military, his knee isn’t an issue, so he doesn’t file a VADC claim for it.

Now it’s 40 years later and his knee has been bothering him, so he goes to his doctor. After explaining to his doctor that this is the same knee he had operated on when he was in bootcamp, his doctor concludes that the knee issues he is now suffering from started in the military. So the veteran gets to thinking that he should file a VADC claim for it based on the conversation with his doctor.

He submits his current medical records to the VA, but the VA Regional Office requests a Compensation and Pension Exam.

At the C&P exam, the veteran explains he is having problems with the same knee that he had operated on when he was in bootcamp. The C&P doctor reads his civilian medical records and military medical record, and also comes to the same conclusion: This current condition is related to the original injury to his knee while he was on active duty. As such, the C&P doctor decides to recommend approval of the veteran’s VA Disability Compensation claim.

However, the VA Regional Office has also asked the C&P doctor to fill out a Disability Benefit Questionnaire (DBQ) for knee injuries. The doctor’s answers to the questions in the DBQ provide the VA Regional Office with the information they need to determine what disability rating to assign this veteran based on the 38 CFR VA Rating Guidelines.

The veteran gets an approval letter from the VA and is assigned a disability rating in accordance with the 38 CFR. This is a good example of how most VADC claims are handled.


Mesothelioma VA Claims and Compensation & Pension Exams

“But I have mesothelioma cancer,” you say.  “I told the VA how I was exposed to asbestos in the military and what I did in all my civilian jobs. Isn’t that sufficient to get me approved?”

This is a regular question I and other VA claims agents get from people. The answer is yes.  

“And doesn’t the mesothelioma section of the 38 CFR state that the VA can only assign me a 100% rating?” people ask me.

Again, the answer is yes, with one caveat which I will address shortly. But as long as you have cancer, you can only be assigned a 100% rating for your VA compensation claim.

So why does the VA schedule C&P exams for cancer cases, even if the veteran has supplied all his civilian medical records for that cancer, and provided a detailed letter explaining their exposure history?

I can’t know for sure, and it may not always be the same reason, but my best guess is that they aren’t familiar enough with the Asbestos Section of the VA Manual to know these things.

In fact, they may not have ever worked on a mesothelioma claim before, so their knee-jerk reaction is to simply do what they usually do: request a C&P exam and wait to hear what the C&P doctor has to say about the likelihood that the cancer is service-related and what rating should be assigned.

However, my experience has been that whenever a veteran with mesothelioma is asked to attend a C&P exam, the C&P doctor seems to be about as confused as to what the VA Regional Office wants from him/her as the veteran is about why he is being asked to have that exam at all.

Now, if a veteran filed a mesothelioma VA claim and didn’t provide a detailed asbestos exposure letter with their claim, then the purpose of the C&P Exam might be to provide the VA with an opportunity to have that doctor ask the veteran about his exposure history.  That might be a useful purpose in scheduling a C&P Exam in this case.  


Using C&P Exam to Determine Disability Rating Below 100%

There is another possibility, and it has to do with the caveat to the Rating Guidelines that I mentioned earlier. In the 38 CFR, immediately after stating that mesothelioma is to be rated at 100%, the following note is provided to the VA.

It reads, “Note: A rating of 100 percent shall continue beyond the cessation of any surgical, X-ray, antineoplastic chemotherapy or other therapeutic procedure. Six months after discontinuance of such treatment, the appropriate disability rating shall be determined by mandatory VA examination. If there has been no local recurrence or metastasis, rate on residuals.”

So what does this mean?

Basically, what this note means is you can’t be assigned, or continue to receive, a 100% rating for cancer you no longer have  – at least, a cancer which is not currently detectable, and you haven’t received any treatment for it in over six months.

Therefore, I have seen this used as the justification for scheduling a C&P exam for a mesothelioma patient in the past. The VA wants to ensure that the veteran still actually has mesothelioma.

This scenario usually happens when a VA Regional Office has a large backlog of claims. The claim is submitted but nothing happens for many months, as the VA works through their backlog of claims. Eventually they get to the veteran’s mesothelioma claim, but now they don’t have recent medical records, only those received when the claim was filed. Since months have passed, they might wonder if the veteran still has mesothelioma.

As an example, let’s say a claim was submitted a year ago. This is an extreme example, but it has happened. The medical records submitted with the veteran’s claim are now a year old. So there exists a possibility that the veteran has had surgery to remove the cancer and may now be “cancer-free,” or at least, there are no signs of cancer in the veteran’s CT scans.

In a case like this, the VA Regional Office may think there is a possibility that the veteran is currently cancer-free, and hasn’t had any treatment in over six months, and therefore, he should only be assigned a 100% rating up until that six-month point.  

After that, his rating should be based, not on the mesothelioma rating, but instead on residuals.  Residuals are any other disabilities that the veteran suffers from as a result of either the cancer itself or the treatment. The appropriate rating for the residuals may be lower than 100%, so the VA needs to know if the veteran is no longer eligible for a 100% rating, and if not, what rating should be assigned. This would be another legitimate use of a C&P exam for a veteran with mesothelioma or lung cancer.


Conclusion About C&P Exams for Veterans With Asbestos Cancers

But in most cases, scheduling a C&P exam for a veteran claiming service-connection for mesothelioma or lung cancer serves no useful purpose, as long as the veteran has supplied his civilian medical records and a detailed exposure summary letter with his claim.  

What should you do if you have done all that and still get scheduled for a C&P exam?

Well, I advise veterans that if they are well enough to attend that exam, just go. It’s better to go along than to rock the boat and risk the VA denying your claim because you refused to go to your C&P exam.

However, in some cases, the veteran is too ill to go to the exam. In cases like this, I usually have the veteran’s family explain to the C&P doctor that the veteran is unable to attend because they are too sick to do so, and ask if they can do a remote video conference or a phone call.

In rare circumstances, I have interceded on the veteran’s behalf and tried to get the VA Regional Office to cancel the exam in lieu of a “records review” where a C&P doctor is asked to simply review the claim documents and medical records and provide an opinion without an official exam.

I’m usually wary of doing this as I don’t believe it is in the veteran’s best interest to mess with the VA Regional Office’s normal process. However, the best way to potentially avoid a C&P exam for mesothelioma or asbestos lung cancer is to provide the VA with all the civilian medical records regarding your cancer when you submit your claim. You should also provide them with a detailed explanation of how you were exposed to asbestos in the military, with a contrasting paragraph or two explaining what civilian jobs you had, and why you believe any exposure in those jobs was less significant than your military exposure.

If you have done all that and the VA Regional Office still schedules a C&P exam, just go. It will probably be short and sweet, and it’s not worth the hassle to fight it. In fact, it might expedite the process of you getting your VA Disability Compensation claim approved, and monthly benefits sent to you and your family.


Frequently Asked Questions About C&P Exams

  • Why do VA claims take so long?

    VA claims can take a long time due to various factors such as backlog of claims, complexity of the case, need for additional evidence, and the VA's process for reviewing and adjudicating claims. However, most VA claims are delayed because the claimant fails to submit all the information and documentation necessary for the VA to make a decision on the claim. It is important to work with a knowledgeable VA claims agent to ensure that all necessary documentation and evidence is submitted with the claim.
  • What is a VA C&P exam?

    A VA C&P exam (Compensation and Pension exam) is a medical evaluation conducted by a VA healthcare provider or a contracted healthcare professional to assess the severity of a veteran's service-connected disability and determine the level of compensation they are entitled to receive. It is a crucial step in the VA disability claims process.
  • What is a VA record review?

    A VA record review is a process where a VA doctor or contractor reviews a veteran's medical records to determine if the veteran is eligible for VA benefits, including compensation for mesothelioma. The records review helps the VA understand the veteran's medical history and assess the severity of their condition. A VA record review is often used in lieu of a C&P exam.
  • What is a VA compensation and pension exam?

    A VA compensation and pension exam is a medical evaluation that is conducted by a VA healthcare provider to assess the severity and impact of a veteran's service-connected disability or illness. The purpose of this exam is to determine the appropriate level of compensation and benefits that the veteran is entitled to receive from the VA.
  • What is a VA claims agent?

    A VA claims agent is a professional who assists veterans and their families in filing claims for benefits with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for service-connected disabilities and other benefits. They are trained and accredited by the VA to provide guidance and assistance in navigating the claims process.
  • What is 100 percent VA disability?

    A 100 percent VA disability rating means that a veteran is completely disabled and unable to work due to their service-connected disabilities. This rating entitles the veteran to the maximum available compensation and benefits from the VA.
  • What does a VA C&P exam consist of?

    A VA C&P (Compensation and Pension) exam for mesothelioma typically includes a physical exam, review of medical records, and a discussion of symptoms and medical history. The examiner will evaluate the extent of disability caused by mesothelioma and its impact on daily activities and work. The exam is used to determine eligibility for VA benefits and to determine what disability rating to assign the veteran.
  • What is the purpose of a VA C&P exam?

    The purpose of a VA C&P (Compensation & Pension) exam is to evaluate a veteran's medical condition(s) and determine if they are related to their military service. For mesothelioma, the exam can help establish a connection between asbestos exposure during military service and the development of the disease. This information is used to determine the veteran's eligibility for disability compensation and other VA benefits.
  • What is VA compensation?

    VA compensation is a tax-free financial benefit paid to veterans who have incurred injuries or illnesses as a result of their military service. It is intended to provide financial support for disabilities that are related to military service. For veterans with mesothelioma, this compensation may be available if they can prove that their disease was caused by asbestos exposure during their military service.
  • Where can i find my VA disability rating?

    You can find your VA disability rating by logging into va.gov, logging into your eBenefits account or by requesting a copy of your VA Rating Decision letter from the VA. You can also call the VA at 800-827-1000.
  • How do i know if my C&P exam went well?

    After a C&P exam, the examiner will send a report to the VA. You can request a copy of this report to see how the exam went. If the report is favorable and supports your claim, it is likely that the exam went well. However, the final decision on your claim will be made by the VA, taking into consideration all the evidence presented.
  • How long does a VA claim take after C&P?

    The processing time for a VA claim after a C&P exam can vary. It typically takes 4-6 weeks after a C&P exam to receive a decision, but it can take longer if additional information or evidence is needed.
  • How long does it take to get a va rating after C&P exam?

    It typically takes around 30-45 days to receive a VA rating decision after a C&P exam for mesothelioma claims. However, the timeframe can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the backlog of claims.
  • How to file a VA claim?

    To file a VA claim for mesothelioma, you will need to submit a completed VA Form 21-526EZ, along with medical evidence of your diagnosis and any service-related exposures to asbestos. You can file your claim online, by mail, or in person at your local VA office. It is recommended to seek assistance from a VA-accredited claims agent or attorney to ensure your claim is properly completed and submitted with all necessary supporting documentation.
  • How long after C&P exam will i get a decision?

    The length of time it takes to receive a decision after a C&P exam varies, but it typically takes several months. It is important to note that each case is unique and can depend on various factors such as the complexity of the case and the workload of the VA.
  • How long after VA compensation exam?

    It typically takes 4-6 months for the VA to process a compensation claim after the examination. However, this timeframe can vary depending on a variety of factors such as the complexity of the case and the workload of the VA.
  • How to get 100 percent disability from the VA?

    To receive 100 percent disability from the VA for mesothelioma, you need to provide medical evidence that shows the severity of your condition and how it affects your ability to work and carry out daily activities. The VA will consider various factors such as symptoms, treatment, and functional limitations when determining your disability rating. It's best to seek the help of an experienced VA claims agent who can guide you through the process and ensure that your claim is supported by strong medical evidence.

    Sources & Author

Picture of Retired LCDR Carl Jewett, VA Claims Agent

About the Writer, Retired LCDR Carl Jewett, VA Claims Agent

LCDR Carl Jewett is a retired Naval Officer who serves as the Veterans Department Director and Patient Services Director at Mesothelioma Guide. He is a VA-Accredited Claims Agent with more than 14 years of experience filing asbestos-related VA claims. He has helped over 1400 veterans who have been diagnosed with asbestos-related illnesses get approved for VA Disability Compensation, VA Pension, and/or Aid & Attendance benefits. Because veteran’s are also entitled to compensation through the legal system, Carl has communicated with many mesothelioma law firms across the country. He has gained extensive knowledge of asbestos trust funds, mesothelioma lawsuits, settlements, and the claims process. He provides both veterans and civilians with information regarding their legal options.