Merry Christmas and happy holidays from Mesothelioma Guide! There are many wonderful reasons to look forward to winter holidays, such as giving and receiving gifts, spending time...
Read PostMesothelioma survivors have a lot to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. In my family, and many others around the country, it’s a tradition to share what we are thankful for before...
Read PostWith a rare cancer like mesothelioma it is essential to your prognosis to have a trusted, optimistic doctor on your side. A positive relationship with your doctor holds healing...
Read PostIn April, Tobyn was diagnosed with stage 2 pleural epithelioid mesothelioma. After researching on the internet, she learned that surgery with hot chemotherapy could aid in...
Read PostA new update to the current staging system has been developed to help expand the treatment options of some late-stage pleural mesothelioma patients. This new staging process will...
Read PostJerry Griffith is a soon to be 15 year survivor of pleural mesothelioma. When he was diagnosed in 2001, he was told he only had months to live, and he believed it. So much so that...
Read PostOn June 22nd the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act was signed into law by the president. This new act will serve as an update to the Toxic Substances...
Read PostA Memorial Day Reminder From LCDR Carl Jewett
By: Retired LCDR Carl Jewett, VA Claims Agent
May 26, 2016
If you look around your home, your workplace, or your neighborhood, you will likely find many things that you take for granted: a roof over your head, food to feed yourself and...
Read PostFebruary 29th is Rare Disease Day. Rare Disease Day takes place every year on the last day of February. This year’s theme is “Patient Voice” and is meant to emphasize how...
Read PostThe Nurse’s Corner: Covering the Cost of your Mesothelioma Treatment
By: Karen Ritter
February 15, 2016
How you are going to pay for treatment is not your first thought after being diagnosed with cancer. However, having health insurance or financial assistance gives you peace of...
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