Learning you have mesothelioma is unquestionably a negative experience. In fact, many patients and survivors of the disease consider that doctor visit or phone call to be the...
Read PostRobots could become a pleural mesothelioma patient’s new best friend. According to the online robotics trade magazine Robotics Tomorrow, the future of mesothelioma treatment...
Read PostWill artificial intelligence soon be an integral part of diagnosing mesothelioma? If the results of a recent study indicate anything, the technology could become even better than...
Read PostAll mesothelioma patients hope for remission. They want to rid their bodies of this horrible sickness, one which claims around 3,000 American lives each year. So the patients seek...
Read PostImagine this: You went to the doctor after experiencing symptoms you thought were signs of a common illness. Maybe you had chest pain. Or a fever. Or persistent coughing and...
Read PostA new clinical trial that combines gene therapy and virotherapy may soon offer pleural mesothelioma patients an alternative to status-quo chemotherapy or radiation...
Read PostA clinical trial has dosed its first mesothelioma patient to examine the effectiveness of a new drug on attacking cancerous proteins. Curis, Inc., a biotechnology company...
Read PostPleural mesothelioma patients often face a high rate of recurrence after surgery. The goal of mesothelioma surgery is to accomplish complete macroscopic resection. However, most...
Read PostAccording to the American Cancer Society’s annual Cancer Statistics Report, the overall mortality from cancer in the United States experienced a steady decline between 1991 and...
Read PostExercise scientist and Director of the Cardio-Oncology Research Program (CORP) at Memorial Sloan Kettering, Dr. Lee Jones, is attempting to figure out if prescribing...
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