New York Proton Center

225 E. 126th St., New York, New York 10035

New York Proton Center is a unique mesothelioma cancer center. It specializes in a new‑age type of radiation therapy called proton radiation. This type of radiation therapy for mesothelioma can help patients.

New York Proton Center
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Pleural Mesothelioma and Peritoneal Mesothelioma

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New York Proton Center

225 E. 126th St.

New York, New York

Dr. Charles Simone


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More Information About Mesothelioma Treatment at New York Proton Center

New York Proton Center opened in 2019. Dr. Charles Simone is the Chief Medical Officer for the center, which sees patients of various types of cancer. Mesothelioma is one of the cancers treated at the center.

Proton radiation centers are not new. The New York facility is the 28th in the United States. However, it’s one of the first to help people with pleural mesothelioma. The facility even had a patient with peritoneal mesothelioma, which is usually not treated with radiation.

Dr. Simone is a member of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Department of Radiation Oncology. He previously worked at:

  • The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Chief of Thoracic Oncology Service and Director of the Penn Mesothelioma and Pleural Program
  • Maryland Proton Treatment Center, Medical Director
  • University of Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chair of Clinical Research Committee and Proton Therapy Fellowship Director
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Experienced Mesothelioma Specialists

    • Dr. Charles Simone, Chief Medical Officer
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    • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
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Treatment Specialties

    • Proton radiation therapy
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Get Connected to New York Proton Center

New York Proton Center is one of the best cancer facilities for proton radiation treatment. This specialized form of radiation sends high‑dose therapy into the body while avoiding healthy tissue.

Why Choose New York Proton Center?

  • Dr. Charles Simone Chief Medical Officer, is a radiation specialist
  • Facility welcomes cases of mesothelioma

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Explaining Proton Radiation Treatment

Proton radiation sends a targeted beam of radiotherapy into the cancer site. The targeted, compact beam allows for higher doses of therapy. Proton radiation limits damage to the spinal cord, kidneys, lungs, heart, liver and esophagus.

“While traditional photon radiation pierces through tumors,” a representative of the New York Proton Center told Mesothelioma Guide, “protons stop at the intended target, limiting irradiation of the surrounding tissue and organs and minimizing patient exposure to excess radiation.”

This is essential for treatment of mesothelioma. Aside from limiting damage to lung tissue, increasing dosage means more disruption of cancer growth. This shrinks tumors and improves survival.

“What we know from mesothelioma is that unlike lung cancer, sometimes we need a higher dose of radiation to alleviate symptoms,” Dr. Simone said in an interview with Mesothelioma Guide in 2020.

Protocol at New York Proton Center

Patients visiting this proton center for treatment may have a varied process. However, Dr. Simone explained a general schedule for proton radiation sessions:

  • The entire session, including preparation and post‑treatment discussions, lasts around one hour.
  • Radiation therapy takes 15‑20 minutes, but this includes accurate positioning and proper immobilization 
  • Patients have 4‑5 sessions per week.
  • Treatment lasts up to six weeks depending on the cancer’s size and tumor’s growth activity.

Dr. Simone said proton radiation lasts six weeks if there was no surgery. If the therapy follows surgery, it’s usually 4‑5 weeks of treatment. Palliative treatment is a shorter amount of time.

The team at the New York Proton Center sees patients after surgery. The two surgical options are pleurectomy/decortication and extrapleural pneumonectomy. Recovery is easier after pleurectomy/decortication, and more second‑line therapies are possible.

“I strongly prefer (pleurectomy/decortication),” Dr. Simone said. “There may be scenarios where that’s not technically possible.”

‘Radiation Coming Back in Favor’

In recent decades, radiation therapy for mesothelioma stepped aside for other options like chemotherapy and immunotherapy. It became a less popular option for cancers of or around primary organs, such as the lungs. Damage to the lungs is why many are hesitant about radiation therapy for mesothelioma.

Proton radiation therapy seems to be bringing the treatment “back in favor,” as Dr. Simone said.

“I think people are now more comfortable delivering it,” he added. “I think it’s more evident that mesothelioma is a radiosensitive cancer.”

We can help you contact the New York Proton Center team for specialized radiation treatment. If you’re interested, please email our registered nurse, Karen Ritter. She’s a patient advocate for mesothelioma victims and their families. Email her at for immediate contact or reach out to our entire patient advocate team.

Sources & Author

  1. About New York Proton Center. New York Proton Center. Retrieved from: Accessed: 10/29/19.
Karen Ritter, RN BSN

About the Writer, Karen Ritter, RN BSN

Karen Ritter, a registered nurse, is the lead patient advocate for Mesothelioma Guide. She has a deep passion for patient care, which includes helping patients and their families search for treatment options at the top mesothelioma cancer centers. She finds the balance between encouraging patients to receive the best treatment possible while enjoying their time with loved ones and friends. Karen is a valuable asset for patients due to her knowledge of mesothelioma, compassion for the victims of this disease and dedication to guiding patients through their treatment journey.