Written By: Devin Golden

VA Benefits for Veterans With Mesothelioma and Family Members

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers compensation and health benefits to veterans with mesothelioma and family members (spouses and surviving dependents) of veterans. The main benefits for mesothelioma VA claims are Disability Compensation and Pension.

Retired LCDR Carl Jewett

Reviewed By

Retired LCDR Carl Jewett

VA-Accredited Claims Agent

Retired LCDR Carl Jewett

Reviewed By

Retired LCDR Carl Jewett

VA-Accredited Claims Agent


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Important Facts About VA Benefits

  • There are several benefits available to veterans with mesothelioma, such as Disability Compensation, Pension, Aid & Attendance (A&A), housebound benefits and health care programs.
  • Family members of veterans are also eligible to enroll in certain VA benefit programs, such Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC), Survivors Pension, Aid & Attendance, CHAMPVA, a caregiver assistance program and burial benefits.
  • Filing a claim for VA benefits can seem overwhelming due to the many benefits programs available to veterans and their family members. Our VA-accredited claims agent, retired LCDR Carl Jewett can simplify the process and ensure all required forms and paperwork have been submitted properly.
Overview of Mesothelioma VA Benefits Icon

Overview of Mesothelioma VA Benefits

The types of mesothelioma VA benefits include:

  • VA Disability CompensationIf at least 50% of the veteran’s asbestos exposure occurred in the military when compared to the veteran’s civilian career
  • VA PensionIf more than 50% of the veteran’s asbestos exposure occurred in the veteran’s civilian career; wartime veterans with low income may qualify for Pension
  • Aid & Attendance (A&A) and Housebound benefits If the veteran requires the assistance of another person to perform at least two activities of daily living; the veteran may also receive additional compensation if a spouse requires A&A
  • VA Health CareIf the veteran meets the criteria of one of the eight health care priority groups

There are also mesothelioma VA benefits available to surviving dependents.

VA claims benefits for surviving dependents (family members) of a veteran who passed away from mesothelioma include:

  • Dependency & Indemnity Compensation (DIC) – If the veteran passed away due to service-connected mesothelioma
  • Survivors Pension – If the survivor is unmarried and meets certain income and net worth criteria
  • Aid & Attendance (A&A) – If the survivor requires the assistance of another person to perform at least two activities of daily living
  • CHAMPVA health insurance – If the veteran had a 100% disability rating or passed away due to service-connected mesothelioma (this benefit is also for family members of veterans who are alive)
  • Burial benefits – If the veteran has passed away (regardless of a service-connected condition), the VA will contribute to funeral costs.

How Mesothelioma VA Claims Can Help Veterans and Family Members

Mesothelioma VA claims can help veterans and family members in several ways:

  • Paying for mesothelioma treatment and medical debt
  • Covering lost wages from being unable to work
  • Providing financial security for family in case of veteran’s death
  • Covering burial and funeral expenses

Many veterans believe that because they served so long ago, they are not entitled to VA benefits for their mesothelioma cancer. This could not be further from the truth.

Filing a mesothelioma VA claim provides financial assistance owed to the veteran and their family. Veterans with mesothelioma should file claims to receive these benefits to protect themselves and their family.

While it is possible for a veteran or surviving dependent to file a claim with the VA on their own, we highly recommend seeking the assistance of a VA-Accredited Claims Agent. This will ensure all documentation is filled out properly, the veteran’s exposure summary is sufficient enough for approval and ensure all supporting documentation is included with the claims form.

Mesothelioma Guide has a VA-accredited claims agent specializing in asbestos-related VA claims. Retired LCDR Carl Jewett is available to provide free assistance to veterans and their family members in filing VA benefits.

VA Disability Rating Calculator for Veterans with Multiple Disabilities

Some veterans have multiple disabilities that would qualify them to receive VA Disability Compensation. If a veteran has a service-connected mesothelioma, their disability rating is almost always 100% and cannot go up or down due to their second disability.

However, a veteran with multiple disability ratings of less than 100% must combine them to get a total rating. The VA has a process for combining the ratings.

When a veteran has multiple disabilities, the VA does not simply add the disability ratings for the overall rating. They multiply the second disability rating and the veteran’s “remaining ability.”

Example: You have two disabilities, one with a 60% rating and one with a 30% rating. After applying your 60% rating, the VA considers you to have 40% “remaining ability.”

Your second disability rating (30%) is multiplied by your remaining ability (40%). This equals 12%, which the VA adds to your initial 60% rating. The combined rating of 72% rounds down to 70%, which is your official combined VA Disability Rating for your two disabilities.

If your combined rating was 75%-79%, it would round up to 80%.

Mesothelioma Guide has a free VA Disability Rating Calculator to help veterans with multiple disabilities learn their combined disability rating within seconds. Use our interactive calculator below.

Financial Assistance for Veterans With Mesothelioma Icon

Financial Assistance for Veterans With Mesothelioma

Financial assistance benefits are available to veterans with mesothelioma. These benefits include Disability Compensation, Pension, Aid & Attendance benefits and health care programs.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Veterans with mesothelioma deserve financial assistance to manage their cancer.

VA Disability Compensation for Mesothelioma Icon

VA Disability Compensation for Mesothelioma

VA Disability Compensation for mesothelioma is a VA benefit available to veterans if at least 50% of their occupational exposure to asbestos occurred in the military. The amount of Disability Compensation a veteran receives depends on their family situation.

Filing a Claim for VA Disability Compensation

To file a claim for VA Disability Compensation, the veteran will need to submit the following to the VA:

  • VA Form 21-526EZ: Application for Disability Compensation
  • DD-214 or military discharge documents
  • Asbestos exposure summary letter
  • Copy of all medical records related to the veteran’s mesothelioma diagnosis

If the veteran is married and/or has dependent children, the veteran will also need to submit the following documents:

  • VA Form 21-686c: Dependency Form
  • VA Form 21-2680 if the veteran is housebound or in need of Aid & Attendance (A&A)
  • Divorce decree or death certificate for any prior marriages
  • Birth certificates for any dependent children (under the age of 18 or under 23 if attending high school or a full-time college or university
  • Marriage license
VA Pension for Mesothelioma Icon

VA Pension for Mesothelioma

VA Pension for mesothelioma is a VA benefit available to veterans who were exposed to asbestos more as a civilian than in the military.VA Pension is a means-tested benefit, meaning a veteran’s income and assets must be under the income limits set by U.S. Congress in order to qualify. The amount of Pension a veteran receives also depends on their family situation.

To qualify for VA Pension, the veteran must have wartime service, which requires at least 90 days of active duty with at least one day during a period of war. However, in-theater or battlefield service is not required. Veterans must also either be totally disabled (an official mesothelioma diagnosis from a doctor meets this requirement) or be over the age of 65.

Filing a Claim for VA Pension

To file a VA claim for Pension, a veteran with mesothelioma will need to submit the following to the VA:

  • VA Form 21P-527EZ: Application for Veterans Pension
  • DD-214 or military discharge documents
  • Medical records related to the veteran’s mesothelioma diagnosis (if under 65 years of age)
  • VA Form 21-2680 if the veteran is housebound or in need of Aid & Attendance (A&A)
  • Birth certificates for any dependent children
  • Marriage license (if married)

Many veterans with mesothelioma believe if the majority of their asbestos exposure did not occur in the military, they are not eligible for any VA benefits. However, many veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma connected to their civilian jobs qualify for VA Pension. Our VA-accredited claims agent, LCDR Carl Jewett, can help determine if you qualify for VA Pension.

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Aid & Attendance and Housebound Benefits for Mesothelioma

Aid & Attendance and Housebound benefits for mesothelioma are additional financial assistance for veterans. These benefits are available if veterans already qualify for either Disability Compensation or Pension.

Aid & Attendance (A&A) is a financial assistance benefit available to veterans who require the assistance of another person to perform at least two activities of daily living, which include bathing, dressing, eating, using the bathroom, and managing medications. A&A adds an additional $913.21 per month to the veteran’s monthly disability pay.

Housebound benefits are for veterans unable to leave their residence due to a disability or illness. Housebound status allows the veteran to receive additional compensation on top of Disability or Pension. Housebound benefits add an additional $446 to the veteran’s monthly disability pay.

Filing a Claim for Aid & Attendance or Housebound Benefits

To file an A&A or housebound claim, the only form required for submission is:

  • VA Form 21-2680: Application for Housebound Status or Regular Aid & Attendance.

This form is primarily filled out by the veteran’s doctor. The veteran is only required to complete the first section with their name and personal information.

Aid & Attendance for Veteran’s Spouse Icon

Aid & Attendance for Veteran’s Spouse

Veterans receiving VA Disability Compensation or VA Pension can receive additional monthly compensation if their spouse is in need of Aid & Attendance (A&A). This benefit is for veterans who already receive VA financial assistance benefits and need additional financial support to care for their spouse.

The process for filing for A&A for a spouse is essentially identical to the process when the veteran is the claimant. The only difference is the spouse’s doctor fills out the form indicating what activities of daily living the spouse is incapable of performing on their own.

Veterans receiving Disability Compensation with a spouse who qualifies for A&A will receive an additional $191.14 to their monthly disability pay.

VA Health Care for Veterans With Mesothelioma Icon

VA Health Care for Veterans With Mesothelioma

VA Health Care is health insurance available to veterans with mesothelioma through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). It is usually free for veterans with mesothelioma.

VA Health Care covers major surgeries, chemotherapy treatment, immunotherapy, radiation sessions, diagnostic tests, biopsies, follow-up scans and medication. Veterans with VA Health Care coverage can seek treatment at a VA hospital or obtain a referral to an external civilian specialist.

Eligibility for VA Health Care is broken down into eight categories, called priority groups. Veterans with service-related mesothelioma are awarded a 100% disability rating. This allows them to obtain VA Health Care with Priority 1 status, meaning they will have no copays and can obtain free prescriptions.

Veterans with non-service-related mesothelioma may qualify for VA Pension, allowing them to obtain VA Health Care with Priority 5 status.

Veterans meeting one of the following criteria are eligible for VA Health Care:

  • Service-connected with at least a 10% disability rating
  • Qualified for VA Pension, Aid & Attendance or receiving Medicaid
  • Former POW or Purple Heart recipient
  • Veterans exposed to Agent Orange, Ionizing Radiation, Burn Pits or Camp Lejeune water
  • Veterans with limited income

Veterans entitled to VA Health Care simply need to fill out VA Form 10-10EZ and submit it to the Eligibility Department at the nearest VA hospital.

The VA provides a list of all copay rates for all medical services and prescriptions here.

Once enrolled in VA Health Care, veterans with mesothelioma have three options when seeking treatment:

  • The veteran may seek care at their local VA hospital if there is a mesothelioma specialist on staff. However, few VA hospitals have specialists with the expertise required to treat this rare cancer.
  • The veteran can request the VA hospital to provide a referral to a civilian mesothelioma specialist if their local VA hospital is not equipped to treat mesothelioma. If the referral is granted, the VA will pay for treatment provided by the referred civilian doctor.
  • The veteran can seek treatment at a VA hospital with a mesothelioma treatment program if their local VA hospital is not equipped to treat mesothelioma. A referral by a VA doctor is not required; however, if the VA doctor provides a referral to another VA facility, the VA will be required to cover the travel expenses incurred by traveling to and from the other VA hospital.
Mesothelioma Financial Assistance: VA Benefits for Family Members Icon

Mesothelioma Financial Assistance: VA Benefits for Family Members

VA benefits for family members of veterans with mesothelioma include compensation options, VA-funded health insurance and burial benefits. These VA benefits are primarily for the surviving spouse and dependent children of the veteran who passed away due to mesothelioma.

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation for Mesothelioma Icon

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation for Mesothelioma

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a financial assistance benefit for the surviving spouse or dependent children of veterans who have passed away due to service-connected mesothelioma.

Spouses of veterans who pass away after having been rated 100% disabled (by any disability) for at least 10 years qualify for DIC regardless of the cause of death.

If a veteran was previously awarded a 100% disability rating for their mesothelioma, then the dependent filing for DIC needs to submit VA Form 21P-534EZ and a death certificate showing the veteran’s cause of death was mesothelioma.

In cases where the veteran never filed a VA Disability Compensation claim for their mesothelioma or received a disability rating, spouses or dependent children must submit the following:

  • VA Form 21P-534EZ: Application for DIC
  • Copy of the veteran’s DD-214
  • Copy of the marriage license or birth certificate (as applicable)
  • Copy of the death certificate showing mesothelioma was a cause of death
  • Asbestos exposure summary letter*
  • All medical records related to the veteran’s mesothelioma diagnosis

*Note: This letter must not only convince the VA that the veteran was exposed to asbestos in the military but must also convince the VA that the military asbestos exposure was more significant than the veteran’s civilian occupational exposure.

Mesothelioma Guide’s VA-accredited claims agent, retired LCDR Carl Jewett, has helped hundreds of veterans and their spouses write VA asbestos exposure summary letters. Click below to obtain free help writing your exposure summary, and file your DIC claim.

VA Survivors Pension for Mesothelioma Icon

VA Survivors Pension for Mesothelioma

VA Survivors Pension for mesothelioma is a monthly financial assistance benefit available to the surviving spouse and unmarried dependent children of wartime veterans with mesothelioma. This benefit is dependent on income and net worth.

To be eligible for VA Survivors Pension, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be the unmarried surviving spouse or unmarried dependent child of a veteran who has died.
  • The veteran must not have been dishonorably discharged.
  • The veteran must have served at least one day during a wartime period.
  • Your annual income plus your net worth must be below $155,356.
  • For veterans entering active duty before September 7, 1980, the veteran must have served for at least 90 days. Veterans entering active duty after that date must have served for 24 months.
  • Your income alone must be less than the applicable Maximum Allowable Pension Rate (MAPR).

To apply for the VA Survivors Pension, the family member will need to provide the VA with the following documents:

  • A completed and signed VA Form 21P-534EZ: Application for Survivors Pension
  • A copy of the veteran’s DD-214
  • A copy of the veteran’s death certificate
  • A copy of your marriage certificate (if you are the surviving spouse)
  • Proof of your income and net worth
VA Aid & Attendance for Survivors Icon

VA Aid & Attendance for Survivors

A surviving spouse who qualifies for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) or Survivors Pension may receive additional monthly compensation as financial assistance through Aid & Attendance (A&A) benefits. If the surviving spouse requires the assistance of another person to perform at least two activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, using the bathroom, eating or managing medications and finances, they may be eligible for A&A.

Any spouse already receiving Dependency and Indemnity Compensation or Survivor Pension can apply for A&A by submitting a VA Form 21-2680. This form is filled out by the patient’s doctor indicating which activities of daily living their patient can and cannot perform on their own.

A spouse can also file for A&A at the time they file a Dependency and Indemnity Compensation or Survivor Pension claim. However, approval of the A&A is contingent on the spouse’s approval of the Dependency and Indemnity Compensation or Survivors Pension benefit.

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CHAMPVA Health Care for Family Members

CHAMPVA is a health care program the VA offers to eligible family members of disabled veterans. The veteran must have or had a disability rating meeting the requirements for their family members (spouse and dependent children) to receive CHAMPVA.

Veterans with a service-connected mesothelioma almost always qualify for a permanent 100% disability rating, which means their families would be eligible for CHAMPVA health care benefits.

This benefit is for the immediate family members (spouse and dependent children) of disabled veterans who are alive or who have passed away.

Surviving dependents of a veteran who passed away can qualify for CHAMPVA if the veteran either:

  • Passed away from a service-related condition, such as mesothelioma
  • Died from a non-service-connected condition but was granted a permanent 100% disability rating for another disability before their death

To file a claim for CHAMPVA, surviving family members must submit the following:

  • Copy of the veteran’s DD-214
  • Copy of Medicare card (if applicable)
  • VA Form 10-7959c: Other Health Insurance Certification
  • VA Form 10-10d: Application for CHAMPVA benefits
  • A VA rating confirming the veteran is/was in receipt of a permanent 100% disability rating
  • Birth certificate for dependent children
PCAFC for Primary Family Caregivers of Veterans With Mesothelioma Icon

PCAFC for Primary Family Caregivers of Veterans With Mesothelioma

The VA Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) is a financial assistance and support program for family caregivers of eligible veterans, such as those with mesothelioma cancer. The program provides a range of services – financial stipends, access to health insurance, training, counseling and respite care – to help family members care for the veteran.

Caregivers enrolled in PCAFC may also qualify for CHAMPVA health coverage if they do not qualify for other health coverage such as Tricare, Medicare and Medicaid. This allows non-dependent adult children and other relatives who are the primary caregivers for a veteran to receive CHAMPVA health coverage.

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VA Burial Benefits for Mesothelioma

The VA offers burial benefits for veterans who have passed away, which includes contributing to funeral costs or transporting the veteran’s remains. This benefit is for the family of veterans who passed away.

If the veteran died from a service-connected disability, the VA will pay $2,000 for funeral or burial costs. The VA will also pay the costs associated with transporting the veteran’s remains from the place of death to the final resting place if the veteran is buried or interred at a national cemetery.

For veterans who died from a non-service-connected condition, the VA will pay $948 towards burial and $948 for a plot.

To file a burial benefits claim, the family must submit the following to the VA:

  • VA Form 21-530EZ: Application for Burial Benefits
  • Copy of the veteran’s DD-214
  • Copy of the veteran’s death certificate
  • A receipt or invoice showing the costs associated with the funeral and burial, as well as transportation costs if the veteran is buried or interred in a national cemetery
Filing a Mesothelioma VA Claim for Veterans and Family Members Icon

Filing a Mesothelioma VA Claim for Veterans and Family Members

Anyone seeking to file a mesothelioma claim – whether for VA benefits or legal compensation – should enlist the help of VA-accredited claims agent LCDR Carl Jewett. He can help you or your loved one navigate the mesothelioma claims process.

If you’re seeking VA benefits – such as Disability Compensation, Pension or VA Health Care – then Carl is especially crucial for getting your benefit approved. Each type of VA benefit for mesothelioma has a different process for filing the claim, including different paperwork you must fill out. Your claims agent will help you complete the forms accurately to increase your chances of approval.

The same is true for surviving family members of veterans who passed away from mesothelioma. A claims agent can help family members file a VA claim for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation or Survivors Pension, which can provide much-needed financial assistance to the veteran’s spouse and/or dependent children.

Many veterans are unsure of the extent of their military asbestos exposure. Veterans from all branches of the military had ample opportunities to come in contact with asbestos.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma as a veteran and are unsure of the extent to which you were exposed to asbestos in the military, our VA-accredited claims agent can help determine if you were exposed to asbestos while serving on active duty.

Frequently Asked Questions About VA Benefits for Mesothelioma

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What Types of VA Claims Can I Make for a Mesothelioma Diagnosis?

Veterans with mesothelioma can file one of two VA claims: Disability Compensation or Pension. Disability Compensation is for veterans primarily exposed to asbestos during their service. Pension is for veterans exposed mostly as a civilian. Other types of VA claims are:

    • Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
    • Survivors Pension
    • Housebound or Aid and Attendance
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What Evidence or Information Do I Need to Get My VA Benefits Approved?

The information you need to get your VA benefits approved depends on which VA claim for mesothelioma you file. If you’re filing for Disability Compensation, then you’ll need proof that at least half of your asbestos exposure instances occurred while on active duty. For a Pension claim, you’ll need to provide your income to determine your eligibility.

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How Will Mesothelioma Financial Assistance From the VA Help Me and My Family?

Mesothelioma financial assistance from the VA will help you and your family in a number of ways. Treatment for mesothelioma is expensive, often draining the bank accounts of victims. Monthly compensation from the VA can cover medical bills, travel costs to see a specialist, lost wages from being unable to work, and future funds for grandchildren.

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How Do I File a VA Claim for Mesothelioma?

There are several steps to file a VA claim for mesothelioma. The best way to eliminate stress is by asking for help from a VA claims agent. They dedicate their time — at no charge — to helping veterans get claims approved.

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Can I File a Lawsuit in Addition to Receiving VA Claims Benefits for Mesothelioma?

Yes. Veterans can file a lawsuit in addition to receiving VA claims benefits for mesothelioma. VA benefits and legal compensation, whether from lawsuits or asbestos trust funds, are not exclusive from one another. Additionally, your lawsuit is against the companies that produced and sold asbestos for massive profits, not the U.S. military or government.

Sources & Author

  1. About VA DIC for spouses, dependents, and parents. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from: https://www.va.gov/disability/dependency-indemnity-compensation/. Accessed: 09/25/2020.
  2. Current DIC rates for spouses and dependents. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from: https://www.va.gov/disability/survivor-dic-rates/. Accessed: 12/08/2023.
  3. VA Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound allowance. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from: https://www.va.gov/pension/aid-attendance-housebound/. Accessed: 09/25/2020.
  4. Current Veterans disability compensation rates. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from: https://www.va.gov/disability/compensation-rates/veteran-rates/. Accessed: 12/07/2023.
  5. Eligibility for Veterans Pension. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from: https://www.va.gov/pension/eligibility/. Accessed: 09/25/2020.
  6. VA Survivors Pension. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from: https://www.va.gov/pension/survivors-pension/. Accessed: 09/25/2020.
  7. Current Survivors Pension Benefit Rates. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from: https://www.va.gov/pension/survivors-pension-rates/. Accessed: 12/07/2023.
  8. Current pension rates for Veterans. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from: https://www.va.gov/pension/veterans-pension-rates/. Accessed: 12/08/2023.
Devin Golden

About the Writer, Devin Golden

Devin Golden is the senior content writer for Mesothelioma Guide. He produces mesothelioma-related content on various mediums, including the Mesothelioma Guide website and social media channels. Devin's objective is to translate complex information regarding mesothelioma into informative, easily absorbable content to help patients and their loved ones.